The St James the Apostle Annual Fundraiser is the most important fundraising event for the school. Held every November, the Annual Fundraiser offers a fun night out with parishioners, school parents and school alumni, all for a good cause-raising funds for the continued development of St James the Apostle. Did we say the night is fun? Previous fundraiser event themes have been: A 1980’s night, A Cheeseburger in Paradise tropical theme and a Trivia Night.
This year’s theme is a country Barn Dance, so come dressed ready to kick up your heels and have fun. We’ll have a live band with dancing after the live auction part of the evening.
To learn more about this year’s event, please visit the 16th Annual Auction Event 2015 Barn Dance website. You will be able to purchase tickets, become a sponsor of the event and make a donation to the school.