Where do you pack?

Our warehouse is located at 9025 W 51st Terr., Merriam, KS 66203

Who can volunteer?

Anyone! We believe that the BackSnack program is an excellent family activity and encourage children to join in. If your child needs little supervision, please include their name on the list as a “volunteer”. Younger children are welcome as well , but for their safety and to allow the process to run smoothly, please keep them at your side. Encourage them to help you fill bags. This is a wonderful teaching opportunity and can be a fun time for parents and children to work together in a truly meaningful setting.

Sign up to pack BackSnacks: Visit https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050c4fabad2ca31-20222023

Pick a date and register. If you are bringing an older child who needs little supervision, please include his/her name on the list as a “volunteer”. Younger children are welcome as well, but for their safety and to allow the process to run smoothly, please keep them at your side. Encourage them to help them fill bags along with you. It is very important that all helpers sign up!

When do you fill BackSnacks?

This year we are filling BackSnacks on Monday nights.

How long does it take?

It takes approximately 1 1/2-2 hours to fill all the BackSnacks. Sometimes a little less. We ask if you volunteer that you be able to stay for the entire time allotted for packing.

Can’t Help Pack at Night but Have Some Free Time in the Mornings?? Help DELIVER BackSnacks!

Volunteer to deliver BackSnacks either by adopting a school to deliver to or by helping one of the Hands to Hearts vehicles deliver to the larger schools. This gives us an ongoing visible presence in the schools and allows us to stay on top of things should problems arise. Delivery is generally done on Friday mornings. We need volunteers and substitutes.

I know a school that could benefit from the BackSnack program. How do I get more information?

If your school is interested in offering the BackSnack program, please have the principal contact Paula Pratt, Community Outreach Director at Harvesters, InfoRequest@Harvesters.org or 816-929-3091.





***Hands to Hearts programs are run entirely by volunteers.

If you sign up but then aren’t able to make it, please let us know ASAP so that we can find some back-up volunteers to cover your spot.***